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The DigiGen team was looking forward to meet each other at the Tallinn University for the second consortium meeting focusing on ethics and data collection. Unfortunately, due to the corona pandemic the consortium members could not travel to Estonia and the much anticipated meeting had to be held digitally.
The Tallinn University and OsloMet teams organised a three-day online zoom conference on the 25th, 26th and 27th of May. Around 40 participants joined the second DigiGen consortium meeting, including delegates from all nine DigiGen teams, members of our international advisory committee, national stakeholders, and even several children of our researchers showed up and got involved.

The programme started with an opening session on Monday morning during which all work package leaders gave a short overview of the progress made so far. The opening session was followed by a series of workshops addressing the preparation of the field work and coordinating the data collection and ethics deliverables.
A major subject of discussion throughout the meeting was the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the research and the researchers. Some of the planned field work will need to be postponed or adjusted in order to ensure that everyone involved can participate in a safe manner. Moreover, the DigiGen teams are exploring options to include the impact of the corona measures on ICT use of children and youth in the scope of the research.
If the situation in Europe allows, a third consortium meeting will take place in Athens in October this year.